1.main technical indicators
Wind speed indicators
1) Wind speed Measure Range 0- 30m/s
2) Speed of starting up the wind speed sensor:0.8m/s
3) Wind speed Measure Error:± (0.3+0.03 x V)m/s(V:actual wind speed)
4) Wind speed parameters that can display: Currently and average Wind speed, Currently and average wind scale, corresponding waves
5) display Resolution: 0.1m/s(wind speed),1 class(wind scale),0.1m(waves)
2. operational condition
1) Temperature: -10-45℃
2) humidity ≤100%RH(without coagulation)
3) Power supply
1)voltage:4.5V, Three 5# dry battery。
2)average current consumption ≤5mA(when the voltage is 4.5V)
3.Wind Temperature Measure Range –20º C-45º C
4.Wind humidity Measure Range 15%-95%