It is a type of device that transfers sunlight into electricity. It can be served as the power source for an independent solar home power supply system used in areas that lack of normal power supply. Or as charger for seldom used vehicle. You will have clean and free supplementary electricity whenever there is sunlight.
Outdoors type:
Dimensions: 315 x 925 mm; 315 x 467 mm; (315 x 238mm) x 2; (315 x 467 mm) x 2; 162 x 467 mm; 305 x 305 mm
Operating temperature: Working temperature range from -40℃~90℃
Hailstorm test: Solar module can withstand hails of 25mm in diameter, striking the module surface at the speed of 23meter/second.
Wind test: Solar module can withstand a wind with the speed of 45 meter per second.
Moisture test: Solar module can withstand moisture capacity of 85% at eh temperature of 85℃.